People Move Stress Less Privacy Policy

Your data privacy and security are important to us here at People Move Stress Less. We are are in regulation with the GDPR legislation 2018.
Below we set out our privacy policy which will govern the way in which we process any personal information that you provide to us. Our contact details should you wish to discuss our privacy policy or terms and conditions is: [email protected] and any correspondence should be addressed to Jessica Blackbond, the site owner and Data Protection Officer.

You can access People Move Stress less website and browse certain areas of the site without disclosing your personal data save information collected by cookies that we may use (see below).

We may send a small file to your computer when you visit our website. This will enable us to identify your computer, track your behaviour on our website and to identify your particular areas of interest so as to enhance your future visits to this website. We may use cookies to collect and store personal data and we link information stored by cookies with personal data you supply to us. Save for the use of cookies, we do not automatically log data or collect data save for information you specifically provide to us. You can set your computer browser to reject cookies but this may preclude your use of certain parts of this website.

What Data is Being Collected?
Your first name, email address, and also your computer's IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection is collected when you sign up to receive any 'freebie' product with People Move Stress Less website [] and blog [].
An anonymised string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.
On completion of People Move Stress Less 'Feel Alive System' 6-Week Program Registration Pre-Activity Readiness Questionnaire [EmailMeForm] more detailed information is required from you. The information collected here contains: your name, date of birth, email, telephone number, full residence address including postcode, health conditions/symptoms, your exercise and relaxation habits, your sleep patterns, your energy level, and your stress level, if you are taking any medication, your occupation, and a declaration that you "fully consent to participate in the 'Feel Alive System Program' with People Move Stress Less; withdrawing all rights to make any claim and will not hold Jessica Blackbond or People Move Stress Less responsible for any problems or side effects as a result of your participation." On this form you are requested to electronically sign and date a statement of consent which is legally binding and holds in a court of law should you wish to pursue any legal action against People Move Stress Less or Jessica Blackbond.

Why is Your Data Being Collected?
Your name and email address is collected for future marketing correspondence only.
Your detailed information given on registration PARQ to People Move Stress Less 'Feel Alive System' 6-Week Program is collected for legal requirements in regulation with exercise industry standards. The questionnaire is a quick and effective way of screening participants about take part in physical activity of any kind to ensure the participant is safely able to take part without risk to himself/herself. The PARQ is an exercise industry standard for ensuring individuals are safe to participate in a physical training program. The role of this form and screening process is not necessarily diagnostic but instead raises awareness to the participant of any need to consent with their medical practitioner before commencing the People Move Stress Less 'Feel Alive System' 6-Week Program.

A copy of data collected by People Move Stress Less will be provided to any individual in an electronic form upon request by THAT INDIVIDUAL free of charge.

Any individual is able to request a change to any inaccurate personal data concerning them without any undue delay.

Any individual is able to withdraw consent and request for permanent deletion of their personal data when they ask to.

Where is Your Data Handled?
All completed data entry points and collected data is handled by Jessica Blackbond of People Move Stress Less. All first name and email address data is stored on an electronic 3rd party 'contacts list'. Jessica Blackbond ensure SSL is activated on this site.

All completed People Move Stress Less 'Feel Alive System' Registration PARQ [EmailMeForm] data is collected and stored on an electronic 3rd party 'clients list'. Jessica Blackbond ensures SSL is activated on this site. After expiration of electronically stored People Move Stress Less 'Feel Alive System' Registration PARQ [EmailMeForm] data (see below in: How Long Is Your Data Stored) all data is deleted.

How Long Is Your Data Stored?
Data collected by People Move Stress Less cannot live indefinitely. This means all data must expire and be deleted.

Data collected from 'pop up forms' and 'submit button' forms is stored on People Move Stress Less contacts list for 3 years, after which time the data is automatically deleted.

All People Move Stress Less 'Feel Alive System' Registration PARQ [EmailMeForm] collected data is stored for 12 months, after which time the data is automatically deleted.

Where is Your Data Collected?
Your personal data (first name and email address) can be collected from each data collection point on every page of People Move Stress Less website and blog (
Your personal data can be shared to us by you the individual on social media sites: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and WordPress.

Social Media Purpose of Processing
We will use your information collected from social media sites mention above for the purpose of providing you with information about our services, articles and news, informing you of special offers and providing other marketing information to you which we think you may find of interest, undertaking product or customer research/development. You can set your social media site browser to allow/disallow post messages from People Move Stress Less.

Who may Process Data?
Your personal information (which includes your name, email address and any other details you provide to us which concern you as an individual) may be processed both by us and any 3rd party: AWebber, EmailMeForm, Clickfunnels, Bluehost, WordPress and Amazon. Each of the companies authorised to process your information as mentioned above will do so in accordance with this privacy policy and their own. When you place an order via Amazon you are transferring your consent and data protection over to Amazon's own privacy policy and terms of use.

Purpose of Processing
We will use your information for the purpose of providing you with information about our services, articles and news, fulfilling orders placed by you, processing any other transactions authorised or made by you with us, informing you of special offers and providing other marketing information to you which we think you may find of interest, undertaking product or customer research/development.

Disclosure of Information
In the unlikely event that a liquidator, administrator or receiver is appointed over us or all or any part of our assets that insolvency practitioner may transfer your information to a third party purchaser of the business provided that purchaser undertakes to use your information for the same purposes as set out in this policy. Your information will not be disclosed to government or local authorities or other government institutions save as required by law or other binding regulations.

We have implemented security policies, rules and technical measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control from unauthorised access, improper use and disclosure, unauthorised destruction or accidental loss.

Personal Data Breach Policy
A personal data breach can be broadly defined as a security incident that has affected the confidentiality, integrity or availability of personal data. In short, there will be a personal data breach whenever any personal data is lost, destroyed, corrupted or disclosed; if someone accesses the data or passes it on without proper authorisation; or if the data is made unavailable, for example, when it has been encrypted by ransomware, or accidentally lost or destroyed.

In the unlikely event that a security incident takes place, and it is established that a personal data breach has occured, then Jessica Blackbond of People Move Stress Less will inform the ICO within 72 hours of becoming aware of it, even if we do not have all the details yet.

Jessica Blackbond, People Move Stress Less Data Protection Officer, will inform affected individuals about a breach when it is likely to result in a high risk to their rights and freedoms. Affected individuals will be informed without undue delay.

All website design, text, graphics, the selection and arrangement thereof are owed by People Move Stress Less running this site, or hosting this site, except where provided under the General Public License ( ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

All trademarks of are the property of their respective owners and may be registered in certain parts of the world.

Disclaimer of Warranty and Liability
The following provisions may be curtailed or disallowed by the laws of certain jurisdictions. In such case, the terms hereof are to be read as excluding or limiting such term so as to satisfy such law.
We do not represent or warrant that the information accessible via this website is accurate, complete or current. We have no liability whatsoever in respect of any use which you make of such information.
The information provided on this website has not been written to meet your individual requirements and it is your sole responsibility to satisfy yourself prior to ordering any products or services from us that they are suitable for your purposes.
Whilst we make all reasonable attempts to exclude viruses from the website, we cannot ensure such exclusion and no liability is accepted for viruses. Thus, you are recommended to take all appropriate safeguards before downloading information or images from this website.
All warranties, express or implied, statutory or otherwise are hereby excluded.
Neither we nor any of our employees or affiliated entities will be liable for any kind of damages and howsoever arising including, without limitation, loss of profits, compensatory, consequential, direct, exemplary, incidental, indirect, punitive or special, damages or any liability which you may have to a third party, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such loss.
We are not responsible for the direct or indirect consequences of you linking to any other website from this website.

These terms and this disclaimer and any claim based on use of information from this website shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England.

Consent and Enquiries
By continuing to use this site and accessing the information on this website, you signal acceptance of the terms and disclaimer set out above. If you do not accept any of these terms, leave this website now. If you have any enquiry or concern about our privacy policy or the way in which we are handling personal data please contact Jessica Blackbond at: [email protected]. If at any time you wish us to cease processing your information please send a message to Jessica Blackbond, site owner and Data Protection Officer at: [email protected]